Friday, July 19, 2013

Chicago's Finest

Close your eyes and imagine the traditional Hollywood first double-date.

Then open them and look at these photos. (As Hillary's bro would say, we're Livin the dream - L-n' the D.) 

Our fantastic art therapist/Peace Corps friend set us up with the sweetest of Peace Corps gentle giants, currently living in Chicago. They had worked together  in Togo a couple of years ago.

Due to this connecting factor (and his impressive height), we will refer to Gentleman #1 as "Tall Togo." And, being the crazy nice gentleman that he was, he took on our task and invited another Peace Corps Togo friend, who we will refer to as "Mall Togo." (What? He was clean-cut pretty- like a classy. worldly, Chicago mall boy. This is not deprecating. He was seriously nice and beautiful.)

The guys [competently] asked what we'd like to do on our date, and after some back and forth discussion, suggested dinner and a comedy show. 


Real date bitchezzzz. 

Another fantastic friend/cousin volunteered her home as our weighstation/salon/b &b for the night. (She even bought us flowers!) Upon leaving her home to meet our dates, we decided we looked so cute that we should have our picture taken... by us. 

.... which clearly wasn't working so well because a stranger (total hottie) asked if we needed help. Yes, we do. Also, D needs to put her lungs away (TM: Mom Mom Mitz)... oy. 

... and this was clearly the man who took our photo. We had to capture him [stalker mode] because he was vaguely D's college crush. mmmmyesss.

The boyz met us near Second City where Danielle and Hill were partaking in a much-needed pre-date caffeine ritual at Starbucks. We were nervous that they would judge us for our evil coffeehouse patronage; however, they didn't appear to be fazed by our corporate coffee selection... actually they didn't seem fazed by anything. 

Cliff notes version for the ADD reader: This was probably the most normal date we've had yet. Or maybe the most normal dates of our lives.

Mall Togo and Tall Togo asked where we wanted to eat. We settled on a normal fancy-ish Mexican restaurant next to the theater. 

Dinner went off without a hitch - normal conversation (we learned a lot about Tall Togo... Mall Togo remained slightly elusive). We spoke of loves, depression, African French, and A LOT about Chicago. As soon as the bill for dinner came, Mall Togo snapped up the check and threw down for all of us. When we asked if we could chip in, they both looked at us as though we were nuts. They declined, saying "This is a date [duh]" and that since Tall Togo bought the show tickets, Mall Togo was buying dinner.  Tall Togo even told us about taking his Togo Girlfriend on dates during the Peace Corps: he insisted on buying the yams. 

For those paying attention to Hillary's ongoing issues with who-pays-for-what, Don't worry: Hillary forced them to accept our offer to buy them drinks during the show.   

After dinner, we migrated to the comedy show - it was still 100% unclear if there were any sparks amongst any of the four parties involved. The seating arrangement at the show determined who would talk to whom for the remainder of the night: Tall Togo couldn't fit in some of the seats so we sat Hill - Tall Togo - Danielle - Mall Togo. (Hey - again, you know how much D like Mall Boyz, and Hillary's ex is 6'7'').

The comedy show was awesome - although unexpectedly three hours long. Danielle and Mall Togo had a pleasant if not quiet-ish time. To dispel some of the awkwardness, Danielle struck up a convo with the 2 cute girls in front of us. Some might call that a dating don't - why bring in cute chicks when you already have a nice Mall Togo? Well, because as nice as Mall Togo was, he and D clearly weren't about to pick out rings or make the trailer shake. On the other end of the row, Hillary listned to Tall Togo talk even more about Chicago and learned that his star of david tattoos were, in fact, Chicago-commonwealth six-pointed stars.  Deceptively, and sadly, not a MOT. He also talked of his crush in DC and Hill therapized him on the situation. In related news, while he was incredibly nice and, again, extremely tall, Hillary remembered that she doesn't like nice boys. (Yes, we know this is messed up, and needs to change.)

But, in reality, the date inspired some serious reflection on our part. We realized that it is possible to go out with funny, kind, smart, semi-worldly, attractive men who treat you wonderfully...and still have no romantic connection. 

And that's OK. 

And that's what this trip is about too. Finding out. 

Besides, now we have new Facebook friends!

Here we pose with Tall Togo. Mall Togo had already peaced out. 


  1. He's so tall, that is wonderful...also Danielle what pants/shorts/skirt are you wearing. I think more outfit photos are in order!

  2. Tall Togo is cute. Hook me up.

  3. Yay! This sounds like a nice refreshing, classic, date night out :) May this be the turning point towards more positive dates!!
