Friday, July 12, 2013

St. Louis

Here is our free form blog post about this city (we are blogging from the bar): 

(Please read in slam poetry voice)

"What is this?; plain state; epidemic of resting bitch face; He's still wearing khaki shorts and tiny little diamond studs; so many sports injuries at this bar; are any girls wearing glasses here?; male duck face; fake window painted on garage door; fake piazza at Disney world version of New Orleans; bad version of bros and hoes; is this the person I had a crush on in high school?; never not younger; he stepped on my foot and didn't even turn around; I could get into a fight here; they would not love anything I love; he is the wrong version of himself; this is like a gussied up Mormon; I couldn't do this town; bright side: these people live HERE; Missouri? More like Misery."

Drop the mic and roll out. 


  1. Just watched this again this morning, and even if we are the only ones who think this is funny, it is incredible!!

  2. You're not the only ones who think it is funny! This explains much to me about STL
